Saturday, December 27, 2008

My First 2 Tier Wedding Cake

White Roses, colored using airbrush.

The final result of my 1st 2 tier wedding cake. Top cake using airbrush and 2nd tier, I piped the roses and did some simple deco on the cake.

* My trainer, wished to remain anonymous for reason only known to her I wish to thank her for the guidance and help throughout the 2 days session.

Rin's Cuppies

Colors of the World

Sweet Pea

Monday, July 14, 2008

My New Home

It is not my intention to discard my blog. I have few stories in line but not able to post it just yet.

Off late, I found a new interest in baking cupcakes. Those days, when I was in KL, I used to bake and sell my moist chocolate cake. I used to get hundreds of orders especially during festive seasons. I stopped baking about 11/2 year ago since I moved back to Kuantan. It is quite tough to sell my cakes in Kuantan because of the pricing. I am not able to meet the customer’s demand of reducing the price when the prices of raw goods have gone up.

With the support and encouragement from my friend Ayu (she started her cupcakes business about 3 months ago) I decided to try. I have no problem when it comes into cooking, so with this little knowledge of mine, I baked my first cupcakes using my normal recipe but transform it into small cups.

My only problem was I am not good in cake decorating. I had problem using the nozzle (as I am not used to it). I tried few designs and wasted a lot of butter cream and cakes as my work didn’t come out the way it was supposed to be which is sweet and nice. My choice of color is awful and it didn’t blend in. At the end of the day, everything that I did went into the dustbin.

I bought books on Cakes Decorating, bought all sizes and shapes of nozzle, dozens of piping bags and my nights are filled with my new found hobby. My husband and I will be busy trying to materialize our talent on the cupcakes. At the same time, we tried new recipe every forth night until we get the one that we really satisfied (only yesterday after 3 weeks of trying we managed to find so-far-the-best cupcakes recipe)

So I am getting better in managing piping bags. I have improved my decorating skills on the cakes. My choice of colors has changed (I have bought bottles of new smashing icing coloring); I have got my call card printed, flyers printed and my cupcakes website is running. This weekend I got to deliver 15 boxes of cupcakes, I got pre-ordered cupcakes for August; I am starting to promote my cupcakes for the coming Aidilfitri ( I am about this close to close one deal, which is the Aidilfitri Food Hamper worth few thousands ringgt, wish me luck). And I can see myself very busy for the next few months. Wish me luck people.

I am not sure whether I am able to update my Terompah World as I will be busy mending my cupcakes website. Anyway, if I am not here, you can find me there. Do feel free to drop by at I welcome your honest comments on my designs (I am still learning the tricks. I managed to do the roses without having to do petal by petal). If you’re from Kuantan, and you need a change from normal cake to cupcakes, you know where to find one.


Get your Cuppa cakes crème, cream de la dream from Madame Cupcakes …..

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Arranging for a family gets together is not an easy assignment. It made it more difficult when you need to accommodate with 35 different characters, personalities and necessities. It took a lot of your time, energy, internet bills, and hand phone bills and in my case my prepaid dries out really fast. And one must be very good in sourcing, organizing, bargaining, manipulating and cursing.

And currently we, The Hashim’s tribe are organizing our due family holiday (we missed out last year holiday because some of us fall sick and were confined to the house arrest the entire school holiday). As usual, since day one I will be the main person who will do all the ground work. Crack my head searching for the right venue, the right date, the right budget, the fun in the sun itinerary and so forth. I need to get all the name list, put them in groups, arrange for their rooms, make sure that the surrounding is safe for the children, make sure food is good, service is good, aircond working for all the rooms, toilets are in tip top condition, with astro and of course internet connection. And above all I need to make sure that it is within the budget of our generous Paymaster. And every year she never failed to come out with a holiday suggestion.

“Let’s do the family holiday thingy. Last year tak boleh buat, everyone kena sampuk hantu. You’re free right, so, you go and look for a place for 3 days 2 nights, you come out with the itinerary and let me know how much. Haiya, I pay lah or I get my Latok to pay. See lah sapa yang kena. Hello friend, you think I got no money? Haiya you. You do the arrangement. I sponsor mah; don’t expect me to do the work. I just want to know the figure. You’re very good at this, you do lah.”

With that I am her official Machai. And there will be hundreds of phone calls from her chasing me and pushing me. I can never have a really good night sleep until it is over.

I still remember our first family holiday. My dad was still around and that was our last gathering. My dad passed away a month after our holiday. We rent 3 units of bungalow at A-Famosa Melaka with small private swimming pool each.

My parents never stayed up late, but that night we went to watch the Parade after dinner at the Cowboy town. My dad was sitting at the 2nd front row smiling from ear to ear. I managed to capture him in my camcorder.

A year after my dad passed away, we organized a surprised birthday bash for our dear mother. We invited my mum’s siblings, all her nieces and nephews, drove all her good friends from Kuantan to KL, put all of them in the hotel and booked a seminar room at Sheraton Subang. We put up performances for her. She was so happy and deep down I wish that my dad is around.

I also helped my brother in law organizing a supposed to be a surprise birthday bash for my sister. Well she knew from the start since everyone came and stayed at her house that weekend. But she didn’t know that I have actually invited all her classmates, her school teachers, her ex officemate and all her closest friends (I had to go all over the world to look for their hand phone numbers and email addresses). Again, we asked her children and husband to put up a performance for her. And it was worth all the pain and sweat.

Our last family trip was a 4 days 3 nights trip to Kalumpang Resort, Tanjung Malim Perak. We rent 7 chalets and I really like the place. My room was facing the pond. We organized a karaoke competition and my husband and I won 2nd place. We received a watch each sponsored by my brother in law. We spend our evenings at the mini waterfall splashing water at each other.

The highlight of our gathering was a trip to Mekah & Madinah. Even though some of my siblings are not able to join us, but we had a great time. To sat eyes on the majestic Kaabah (the house of God), I felt that I was so small, so tiny and how God has blessed me with this opportunity. I never stopped asking for HIS forgiveness for my deficiency, my sins and grant me with stronger faith, good health, a happy home and blessed my marriage and grant me with healthy kids.

I thanked Him for giving my sister extra ‘rezeki’ and May God blessed her and her family (our whole trip for the whole family was paid by my generous sister) with more fortune so she could do more good things for other people.

Just recently we organized a Birthday Gathering for my mum. But this time is on a smaller scale than before. Coincidentally, my mum’s birthday fall on the same day as the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW so we performed Solat Maghrib, Isyak, Hajat a short Taskirah about the Prophet Muhammad SAW legacy, His last request to his followers, His hopes to all his people, moments before He passed away.

The story was told in a very beautiful ways. It touches many hearts including mine. It made me realized the sacrifices that our Prophets Muhammad SAW has to go through. Praise to God, I am among the chosen one. I am lucky to be borne as a Muslim, to be raised as one and I pray to God that when it is time for me to go, I will go as a faithful and devoted Muslim. Islam will remain in me until the day I die.

Anyway, it was a very meaningful event. Quite a number of people turn up. We had a roast lamb and it finish off quite fast compared to other food. As usual my sister never failed to satisfy our ‘tummy’ with delicious food.

And now, I am working my ass off for our new Family Holiday Projects. Few places has been chosen but I decided to go for somewhere nearer, not that expensive (I do not have the hearts to spend her money on lavish holidays), easy and not a burden to anyone without international passport (my brother will have to fork out about 2K for his family if we decided to go overseas).

So it has been decided that the Eagle Ranch Resort, PD will be our next destinations. It has lots of outdoor activities for the children, teenagers and adults. And the best thing is I can go on horse riding … oh dear, I hope the poor horses would be able to sustain my weight and carry me around with pride.…la…

Note: I shall write about my family holiday experiences in my next write up.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Bingkisan rindu dari seorang anak....

Aku bukan dilahirkan di dalam keluarga yang kaya raya, punya harta menggunung tapi aku kaya dengan kehadiran Emak dan Abah yang amat menyayangi kami, ditambah pula dengan kehadiran adik beradik yang agak ramai dan meriah. Kehadiran anak-anak saudara ku yang selori menambahkan lagi kemeriahan kami sekeluarga. Melengkapkan lagi label keluarga bahagia ku. Aku kaya dengan kasih sayang, kasih sayang dari seorang ibu, seorang ayah. Kasih sayang yang disemai dalam diri aku sejak dari aku mula dilahirkan lagi.

Ketika kedatangan hari raya rumah pasti akan sentiasa penuh dengan hilai tawa dan gelak tawa. Cuma semenjak kepulangan Abah kesayangan ke Rahmatullah rumah ini makin kurang serinya. Tunggak kekuatan kami telah pergi meninggalkan kami.

Namun, sisa-sisa kehidupan ini masih perlu diteruskan. Walaupun sedikit pincang tapi kekuatan, kecekalan, kasih sayang Abah dan wajah riang Abah sentiasa memenuhi setiap ruang di rumah kami. Hati kecil ini sering merindukan gelak tawanya, rindukan peluk ciumnya. Alangkah bertuahnya jika dapat bertemu dengannya semula walaupun hanya sesaat. Dan kerana kasih sayangnya juga kami tetap tabah meneruskan hidup tanpanya.

Entah kenapa malam ini terasa sungguh syahdu. Tidak mungkin aku melupakan wajah itu, senyuman itu, suara itu. Setiap selesai solat, setiap kali bayangan wajahnya melintas di kotak fikiran, setiap kali hati ini terdetik teringatkannya, pasti aku alunkan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran buat hadiah sebagai tanda kasih sayang aku kepadanya. Sentiasa aku panjatkan doa agar rohnya di tempatkan di kalangan mereka yang beriman, memohon agar Allah SWT memberi keampunan di atas segala dosa-dosanya, di ringankan hisab kuburnya, di besarkan dan di terangi kuburnya dengan kebaikan yang pernah dia lakukan ketika hayatnya.

Ingin aku titipkan buat rakan-rakan yang masih mempunyai ayah dan ibu, hargailah saat-saat bersama mereka, sayangilah mereka, kasihanilah mereka, martabatkanlah mereka, dan kenangilah jasa-jasa mereka walaupun tangan-tangan itu tidak pernah membesarkan kamu, tidak pernah menyuapkan makanan ke mulutmu dan tangan-tangan itu yang pernah memukul kamu satu masa dahulu, mulut itulah yang pernah menghalau kamu keluar dari rumah, dan kaki itulah yang pernah singgah ke badanmu.

Ingatlah takkala mereka menutup mata, disaat Allah menjemput mereka kita hanya mampu berdoa agar dosa kita diampuninya, susu diberi dihalalkan oleh mereka, dan betapa sunyinya kehidupan ini nanti tanpa kasih sayang mereka.

Alhamdullillah, aku di beri rezeki oleh Allah SWT untuk berada di samping arwah ayah ketika dia masih sihat, menghantarnya ke hospital ketika dia sakit, mengucup pipinya dan memegang tangannya sambil membisikkan kata kasih sayangku padanya, memohon keampunan di atas dosa-dosa aku, meminta Abah menghalalkan setiap keringatnya yang tumpah untuk membesarkan aku, membaca yassin buatnya ketika dia sedang bertarung nyawa, membisikkan kalimah Syahadah di telinganya, melihat ombakan terakhir nafasnya, dan menyaksikan kepulangan anak Adam kepada penciptaNYA.

Aku menyaksikan semuanya dengan rasa penuh kesyahduan dan keinsafan. Aku kehilangan tapi aku puas kerana perginya abah dengan kehadiran aku di sisinya. Perginya Abah dengan kasih sayang aku yang di bawa bersamanya. Perginya Abah dengan doa restu dari isteri dan anak-anaknya. Perginya Abah setelah mengampuni dosa-dosa isteri serta kami anak-anaknya. Perginya Abah setelah menatap wajah isteri, putera serta puteri-puterinya. Perginya Abah dengan iringan kalimah Syahadah di satu subuh yang sunyi dan hening.
Walaupun tangis kami mengiringi pemergian Abah, tapi, itulah kebahagiaan yang akan aku bawa hingga ke Akhirat nanti.

Al-Fatihah buat Ayahanda Tersayang Haji Hashim bin Abdul Rahman. Semoga roh Abah ditempatkan di kalangan mereka yang soleh dan beramal, Amin. Anak-anakmu sentiasa merindui mu.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Ooooppsss I did it again.

I have ignored my blog for quite sometimes now and thank god I still remember my user Id and the password. I do not have a valid reason for that but I was just too busy doing other things. I was busy looking for a new cook for my small noodle stall, I was busy interviewing the right candidate for my daycare centre, keeping up with the latest ‘after effect’ tsunami of Malaysia’s Election Result.

And as a result, I missed out few important birthdays write ups, special event and the most recent, the sudden passing of my beloved uncle (Al-Fatiha. May his soul rest in Peace, Amin)

I miss blogging so much but, again I couldn’t find the right time to update my activities. There are so many things to tell and I am not sure which one should go first.

Just last week, the Officers from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat paid a surprise visit to our Kiddie Centre. Ooohh... and he are not so happy with my documentations. The supervisor in-charge is on leave and her replacement is still new and not sure what is where. And I was given a week to complete my paperwork or my business might be in jeopardy. And for the last one week, I have been working my ass off completing the documents and preparing all sorts of report cards, health report cards, artwork report card, and visitor report card. There are so many things to do, but so little time.

I have missed few wedding invitations at the same time. I guess it is not too late for me to wish Syed and wife, congratulations and may you have a wonderful year to come.

I wish I could write longer. But my beloved husband is sitting next to me with his cheeky smile and well I guess it is time for me to switch off my laptop.

So good nights folks. I shall update my blog from now on

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I wanted to inscribe about him but the other side of me said I shouldn’t.

The ‘him’ that I am talking about is another-someone-from-my-past. He thought me the meaning of love. I was only 17 when I met him. He was then a successful career man, huge big smile and a very funny man. We get along well and things started to heat up between us.

I still remember when I got my SPM result; he came to my house with a bouquet of roses. We used to exchange so-called-love notes and I was on my top of the world. It was such a beautiful relationship and my world is encircled around him.

When I got admitted to one of the local college, he was so worried that I will fall for someone much younger than him. Yes, I met few guys along the way but it has never stopped me from loving him. He understands me more than anybody else.

Loves faded, time flies and soon I realized that we spend less time together. During semester break I will spend my time in KL with my friends and I realized that the age barrier between me and him was one of the reasons why he can never understand my needs.

But the real reason was the love has faded away, I have more male friends than before, and I have more reasons to be demanding. He on the other hands doesn’t seem to care anymore. He favored to be with someone around his age while I loathe being in the centre of a group of older man. We sang a different melody, we dance a different cadence.

When I came back to Kuantan, I heard rumors about him going out with someone else but I decided not to believe. I did express my concern to him but he assured me that he can never lay an eye on another girl. I was young, I was naïve and I trusted him.

I was on holiday and I was due to meet him. Last minute, he cancelled our date and promised to call me later in the evening. I tried to call his cell phone but he switched it off. It was around 1 am, when I decided to call him demanding for an explanation. His phone rang, I got excited. Someone picked up the phone. I recognized that sleepy voice!

That night I wrote him a 10 pages letter, pouring my heart out, not a single tear the night I decided to end my 4 years relationship with him. The next morning, I went to his office, I left his birthday card and my 10 pages letter. It was the end of it. I won’t turn back. I have made up my mind. It’s for the best. I was forced to choose. I choose to end the misery; I don’t want to be hurt. The thought of losing him was so much to bear but I didn’t cry. His betrayal has made me tougher.

I didn’t receive any phone calls from him since the incident. Deep down I was eager to know the reason why but I was too ego to admit. On the other side, I was thankful because I ended it. It was just a matter of time as my family member never approved our relationship.

Few days after the breakup, I accidentally bumped into him. I was having tea with Uya in Taman Gelora. I wanted to get something in the car and I didn’t realize that he parked his car next to mine. I walked straight to my car, take the tissue box out and as I was about to close the door, then only I realized that someone is staring at me. The face that I was long to see, the man that I was once so much in love with (at that point of time I think I still love him). I look at him, I wanted to say something, but I turned away when I realized that he wasn’t alone.

I was shaking, trying to control my emotions and whatever feeling that is left in me. Uya managed to calm me down and act normal. He drove his car and parked exactly in front of where we sat. I turned my back against them and still shaking. I do not know how long they sat there watching me but I remember going home crying.

A month after the incident he rang me. He wanted to see me and clear things up. He said he misses me and it was a huge mistake. He kept on calling me and begging me. We finally met; he looked different, haggard and older. The meeting was full of surprises and he confessed. He has been seeing her behind my back for the last one year. He said he was lonely. And the best part is I knew her. I was so fool and blinded by her sweet gestures. I thought she was honest and he has betrayed my trust.

I stand firm by my decision. It was one of the hardest and I cried, cried and cried. I can never look at him that way I did 4 years ago. I can never forgive him. I can never love him as much as I love him before. He stabbed me from behind. I was loyal to him even though he knew I had a choice. Both of us cried, he cried because he is not able to convince me, while I cried because I am about to loose him for good. It took me months to get over him. He came and see me couple of times trying to persuade me but I stick to my decision.

6 months later, I moved to KL. I heard that he actually marry her. Once a while when I am back home I will give him a call. We met once in KL. He did try to win my heart back but he was far too late. I sent him my wedding invitation card, he promised to come but never turned up.

Two months after my father passed away, I called his office. According to his staff, he is on medical leave because of heart problem. I called his cell phone straight away. He told me that he had the 1st heart attack about a month ago. He was in coma and during the same time he had another heart attack. Jokingly, I told him that God is giving him the signal, to slow down and to repent. I told him, he may survive the 1st and the 2nd heart attack, but he may not survive the 3rd attack. I told him he still has time to ask for God’s forgiveness. He laughed at me and said he is now a different man.

It was early September 2005; I was due to attend my job interview in Rawang for the post in the branch office in Kuantan. I received a phone call from a friend in Kuantan informing me about the passing of ‘him’. Just about a week ago I spoke to him, we laughed while reminiscing our good old days together. He assured me that he was ok and recovering. I can still recall my last few words to him and when I told him he may not survived the 3rd attack. He died after the 3rd heart attack. I felt numb. He was once, someone so dear to me, someone so close to my heart.

I went to pay the wife, that girl a visit. She was devastated as she is not working and fully depended on his income. She is not sure how to support herself and their 2 small children. She said she is not able to live without him. He was her world. I felt sorry for her. They have got 2 small kids that resemble so much like him, and to my surprised one of them were named after me. I don’t think the wife realized the name was similar to mine (I knew that name well because he said if we were to get married he will named our girl with that name.)

Recently, after 3 years I bumped into his wife. She looked happy in the arm of another man. She probably didn’t notice me or pretended that she didn’t know me. It was that face, and that voice. The sleepy voice that answer the phone the night I called him. And his kids were there, looking at them, as if I was looking at him. They look so much alike.

And suddenly, I felt a twist in my stomach, I wonder whether she still pray for him, I wonder whether she still recites Yassin for him, I wonder whether she still visit his grave, I wonder whether the children still remember what a great father he was. I wonder whether she still remembers him, I wonder whether she is over her grief.

I can’t just stop wondering and I can still remember the song that he always sang to me, Baby … you look wonderful tonight.

On a different occasion, I am happily married. I am blessed with a wonderful husband from Mars, still so much in love with each other since the day we said ‘saya terima’. This year we will be celebrating our 4th year anniversary, and still counting for our years together.

On the other, ‘Him’ is just another-someone-from-my-past whom still to this very day has a special place in my heart. May his soul rest in peace and may God give him forgiveness for all our deficiency, his imperfection throughout his years of living. Al Fatihah.


To my niece, Dina Ho for getting straight A’s for her SPM. I wondered what is inside her head. She is so, so, so smart and gifted.

Dina is the first grand daughter (my first niece) and everyone was looking forward to welcome her into the family. When Dina was five, they went to New Zealand. Both my sister and her husband went to do their PHD and took along Dina and her brother Danny.

When they came back to Malaysia, Dina couldn’t speak a single word of Malay and it was really difficult for her to adjust to the new surroundings. I remembered her first Bahasa Malaysia essay ‘Jika Saya Menjadi Seorang Jutawan’. In her essay she said if she becomes a millionaire, she would buy as many Kuih Pau as she could find. And for that she got ‘E’ for her essay. She does not know what the meaning of ‘Jutawan’ is.

Dina is a very talented young lady. Dina won her first piano competition when she was six representing Dunedin Pre-School. She represents Malaysia for the Ice Skating Competition in Singapore and won gold medal. She can play piano, violin and guitar and she’s very good with kids.

And today, she has proved it all. Beauty with brains and that’s my niece. No doubt sometimes she can be a pain in the butt, but she has made us all proud. If my late dad is still around, he will be so proud of her. Passing all her major exams (UPSR & PMR) with straight A’s and hopefully she will be a very good, devoted doctor one day, insyaallah.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Cicak oh cicak
Dimana engkau cicak
Kenapa engkau tak turun
Shukor hendak jumpa, Shukor hendak jumpa

Shukor oh Shukor kenapa ko takut cicak
Macamana aku tak takut cicak
Ekornya panjang sangat, ekornya panjang sangat

Shukor oh shukor kenapa ko geli cicak
Macamana aku tak geli
Badannya lembut macam jeli, badannya lembut macam jeli

Teringat aku satu peristiwa yang mana terjadi ketika kami di Endau Rompin Kg Peta, ada seekor cicak di dalam tandas. Mula-mula Shukor tak perasan, tapi bila dia nampak aje cicak tu, berciput lari keluar dari tandas. Kena pujuk baru dia masuk semula untuk mandi. Kalau tidak malam tu confirm Kor tak mandi. Dan sampai sekarang pun walaupun dah ada anak sorang, shukor masih lagi geli dengan cicak. Phobia giler.

Aku ingat lagi kereta Satria yang Shukor pakai, ada lampu kaler biru kat dalam keta tu. Dalam ramai-ramai budak2 Xtreme kereta Shukor yang paling bersih sekali. Baik dalam kereta atau pun luar kereta. Kadang-kadang kami ni saja nak dajalkan kereta Shukor. Kami pakat ramai-ramai letak muka yang berminyak-minyak pada cermin kereta Shukor. Biar padan muka dia.

Aku ingat lagi peristiwa kami di Jelawang, di mana Shukor di antara orang pertama yang perasan seluar yang dipakai oleh salah seorang peserta telah koyak sehingga menampakkan keseluruhan punggungnya. Dan kebetulan seluar dalam yang dipakai bercorak harimau bintang. Shukor dalam diam telah membuat bunyi ‘AAAAUUUMMMM’ seperti harimau sebagai isyarat yang seluar peserta itu tadi telah koyak.

Ingat lagi satu ketika, masa tu Shukor di uji ALLAh SAW, hanya dengan kesilapan orang lain, Shukor menanggung akibatnya. Kami berkumpul memberi kata semangat dan perangsang buat Shukor. Ingat lagi malam itu kami berkumpul di rumah arwah Along, mencari jalan penyelesaian bagi membantu Shukor. Alhamdullillah, kebenaran berpihak di pihak yang benar. Maka Shukor bebas dari sebarang pertuduhan.

Aku ingat lagi, beberapa ketika sebelum Shukor mendirikan rumahtangga, kami dikejutkan dengan berita yang Along sakit. Hampir setiap hari kami ke hospital melawat Along, namun satu malam aku dikejutkan dengan panggilan telepon dari Shukor, dengan nada sebak memberitahu yang Along telah kembali kepada penciptaNYA. Berita itu merupakan satu tamparan hebat buat Shukor kerana dia sangat rapat dengan arwah Along. Dapat kurasakan perasaan Shukor kehilangan seorang sahabat karib yang membesar bersama-sama dengannya.

Banyak kenangan kami bersama-sama ketika aktif dalam Xtreme. Sekarang beg pun dah digantung, kasut pun dah naik reput rasanya. Bila ditanya kenapa Shukor dah tak aktif bercamping, terngiang-ngiang ayat keramat Shukor di telinga aku;

‘Cik Terompah, bukan aku takut bini, tapi bini tak takut pada aku”…

Kepada seorang teman, sahabat, adik,
Semoga allah memanjatkan usia, memberi kebahgiaan di dunia dan di akhirat, memurahkan rezeki, mewarnai lagi kehidupan berumahtangga dengan anak-anak yang ramai dan berani-beranilah sikit dengan cicak tu. Semoga persahabatan ini akan terus kekal selama-lamanya, Insyaallah.


Sunday, March 9, 2008


Sesiapa yang terjumpa seorang rakyat Selangor, rambut putih, berkulit licin keputihan-putihan, berketurunan Jawa, rendah, tempe makanan kegemaran dan gemar pegang penyapu, sila hubungi balai polis berhampiran. Kunci pejabat MB ada padanya.

Rahsia mukanya yang kini semakin tampak lebih muda dan berseri adalah kerana gemar memakan tempe yang menjadi hidangan utama masyarakat Jawa.

* Info and pictures extracted from

I AM APART OF IT ... (and I'm proud)

Alhamdullilah. Hasbiyallahwanikmalwakil.

Satu kejayaan besar buat Barisan Alternatif. Ini adalah suara rakyat yang sudah bosan dengan kepuraan-puraan dan penipuan yang dilakukan. Inilah kuasa rakyat, kuasa kita. Dan inilah akibatnya bila rakyat mula bersuara.

Kelantan tetap di kuasai oleh PAS
Perak di rampas dan dikuasai oleh Barisan Alternatif
Selangor menyaksikan Mr Tempe DI SAPU keluar dari tampuk pemerintahan
Kedah berjaya di kuasai oleh Barisan Alternatif
Pulau Pinang di rampas oleh DAP/PKR.


Mr Toll @ Sammy Velu
Mr Tempe @ Khir Toyo
P. Palanevel
Koh Tsu Khoon
Annuar Musa
Awang Adek Husin
M. Kayveas
Zainudin Maidin
Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin
Azimi Daim
Abdul Azeez Abd Rahim

Dan buat seorang rakan yang pernah menghantar sms berbunyi:

“Bunch of Monkeys on Stage…making empty and stupid promises just to satisfy their personal needs to feel the power if elected”

Too bad, your so called Monkeys on stage have actually won some of the state and parliamentary seats and even managed to run the state not just one but 5 STATES.

Even though it is just ONE VOTE …I am apart of the conspiracy.


Thursday, February 21, 2008


My husband is away on 4 days business trip up north. While my mum is in KL for her next IJN visit. And I am left all alone in Kuantan .. Smirk!

Since my husband is away I have more free time and I decided to go out for dinner with couple of friends while discussing the future of our Taska Darul Najah (a joint venture business between me and 2 male friends).

I was not at my best outfit for the dinner and of all the people in this whole wide world, I bumped into my old romantically-involved-someone-from-the-past no: 4. I met him somewhere in 1997 and he was then a fine-looking, drop dead alluring divorcee. He is still handsome but of course the older version of good looking.

Anyway, my dress was something that I am not proud off. I was wearing a normal obsolete plain brownish blouse with dark brown pants and a black colored ‘tudung mak indon’. And not even a single make-up or powder on my face (not even lipstick). And I hate the way I dress up. I should put more effort next time.

So there he was, standing right there. He looked surprised to see me (as if he saw a ghost) and I feel like hiding underneath the table. I knew the other guy in his group. Apparently this guy Sham is a family friend. To steer clear of explanations and questions, I declared to Sham that I used to go out with ‘A’, donkey years ago.

They sat at the table behind me, so I had the change to talk to ‘A’. The last time I met him was 6 years ago. We talked and talked and talked until the food arrived. From salesman he is now a Branch Manager for P****N.

We swap over phone number and said our goodbyes. And how do I feel, I don’t feel anything. He is just another guy from the past. Both of us are happy now but I hate the way I look that night. I used to be a fashion wannabes but instead I choose to look like a maid. Aaarrgghhhh!!!!

When I got home I told my husband about me meeting my old sugar pie. As usual he asked me 1001 questions. How I got to know him, where we met, how we met, how come I never told him about ‘A’? And he only stopped when I explained to him every little microscopic detail about ‘A’ and my epigrammatic relationship with him.

And yesterday morning, I received a text message from my husband. He is not the type of person who will call or sent text messages. He is a very cushy person, not romantic but full with sense of humor. I am lucky if he hold my hands in public. But yesterday, out of the blue, I received this from him. It says ‘Gud Morning Luve’

Three simple words, it is more than enough for me to go on smiling ear to ear the whole day(oh he has got feeling after all)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


She’s a wife, she’s mother,
She’s a daughter, she’s a sister
She’s a goddess, she’s a friend

Today, we commemorate the birth of a very special friend; fall on a very special day, the Valentine’s Day.

We grew up together, many years ago in a small town called Kuantan. I knew her since I was in secondary school. We became close friends over the years. I usually hang up at her house. She came from a well to do family so she always has nice dolly with her. She would come to my house with her toys and we will be playing all day long.

In our teens, we became closer. The six of us, there’s me, Uya, Tamara, Umi, Fardia and Anum. I remember one fine day, we skipped class and we went to Teluk Chempedak. Tamara was the only one with car and valid driving license so she drove all of us there. I remembered we bought few cans of ‘Jolly Shandy’ and a pack of Salem 14. It was one of the best parties we ever had.

Uya used to go out with this one particular guy. We called him Gorgon (Gorgon is now a well known artist) and both of them will normally hang out together. I still remember we went cruising around the town with his red hot chili pepper Volkswagen.

We used to creep out at night during our SPM years. I still remember our night spot, one of the elite club in Coral Beach Resort (the most well-known night spot). Uya will normally sneak out through her parents big wide windows, and return home in the wee hour. We had so much fun growing up together and did many things together. We went our separate ways after we finished our SPM but we do keep in touch.

Later in our 20s, after Ayu, my ex housemate decided to move out because she wanted to settle down, I offered Uya the vacant room. There’s me, Uya, Anum, and our new housemate Calvin. It was one of the exclusive condo next to PWTC. I remembered the night when she had a fight with her bf Oz. And as a result, they broke off the specific night. Uya was so heart broken. That night, to let her relieve her sadness, we went to Planet Hollywood. There’s Calvin our bodyguard cum paymaster, Uya, Anum and myself. And as a result of our ‘outing’ nobody turn to work the next day.

But she is one tough lady; she was on her feet again within a week. And those were the times when we will go out and partying all night. We will sit at the sidewalk in front of Planet Hollywood because we ‘couldn’t’ find our ways to the car or just too ‘tired’ to walk. Smoking our special brewed ‘wild plants’ in our handmade plastic ‘pot’ (oh yes, we are not an angel, we are no goody two shoes)

We rent a place together for couple of years until Uya fall in love all over again and she decided that it is time for her to proceed to the 2nd stage, the I do stage. She got married and I continued with my night outings. Uya will join me and the rest of the clan once in a blue moon and she raised her white flag when she found out that she was pregnant with Luqman.

Now, Uya is still happily married to Syah and blessed with 2 sons, Luqman and Adam. We still keep in touch and after I moved back to Kuantan; we only see each other during Hari Raya. She still remains as my confidante.

To Uya my long childhood best friend and still remain as one of my closest comrade, Happy Birthday. May you have a ‘blast of’ birthday party. May God bless you with good health, more fortune and lead you and your family. My prayers and thoughts will always be with you.


Semalam di dalam akhbar ada Pak Lah menyebut sapa kata Parlimen akan dibubarkan hari ini? Tup, tup masa tengok Buletin 1.30 tadi sambil makan kuey teow tomyam di warung Alif, di umumkan bahawa Parlimen telah pun dibubarkan.

Semalam kata tak ada, hari ini kata dibubarkan. Ini semua adalah cakap-cakap, bisik-bisik orang politik. Patutlah semenjak 2,3 minggu kebelakangan ini surat khabar, tv sibuk dengan demam pilihanraya. Sana sini sibuk orang dah start berkempen. Kempen pun berkempen jugak, rumah mak mertua ku yang hangus terbakar dijilat api minggu lepas jangan buat-buat lupa, buatlah yang baru. Kalau orang lain boleh demand, kami pun nak jugak demand. Lagipun sebelah suami adik beradik ramai, campur isteri masing-masing dah ada dekat 20 undi. Itu belum campur anak-anak buah suami yang dah cukup umur untuk mengundi. Alah allocation untuk election kan banyak, tak akan lah nak sapu sorang-sorang. Kongsi lah sama-sama. Sikit sama-sama kita rasa. Bukan banyak pun sebijik rumah dengan furniture aje yang kami nak. Tak tercuit pun duit yang berjuta-juta tu. Tapi janganlah pulak sekarang bijak menabur janji lepas habis kira kertas undi, janji tinggal janji,

Dan bila Parlimen di bubarkan maka tidak berkerajaan lah Malaysia ni. Eerrmm kalau aku lah diberi peluang memilih negeri mana yang hendak dijajah, sudah tentu aku pilih Sarawak, ialah hasil pribumi masih banyak, balak pun tidak habis ditebang lagi. Dapat perintah Sarawak (jadik yang DiPertua pun dah kira ok) boleh lah aku buat pagar batu keliling kampung, lampu lip lap sepanjang jalan. Kalau tak Sarawak, Sabah pun kira boleh lah. Ialah asyik orang yang sama sahaja yang sapu, bagilah peluang pada orang lain pulak.

Bila sebut-sebut pasal penamaan calon pulak, apalah nasib agaknya kepada bekas TPM kita? Kalau dikira-kira, congak campur tolak dan bahagi, bulan depan sudah dikira sebagai bulan pembebasan. Maknanya dah boleh masuk bertanding semula. Tapi ialah keputusan tarikh pembubaran parlimen bukan kuasa bekas TPM dan juga kuasa kita. Itu kuasa Pak Lah, mereka dan keluarga mereka.

Dan banyaklah duit yang akan habis sepanjang masa berkempen ni. Duit sapalah agaknya tu? Adakah duit anda, anda, anda, atau anda semua? Hanya Allah dan mereka-mereka ini sahaja yang tahu. Yang pastinya harap-harap selepas pilihanraya ini, jika di beri mandat kepada sesiapa yang berhak, TOLONGLAH KURANGKAN HARGA MINYAK & BAHAN-BAHAN MENTAH. JANJI PADA AKU TURUN HARGA MINYAK KE RM1.20 AKU JANJI AKU PANGKAH KORANG. Kami yang bukan bekerja dengan Kerajaan nie tak dapat salary revised sampai 35%. Hari nie company macam tahu tahu aje nak pilihanraya, kami dapat lah surat salary revised, eeerrmm naiknya tak sampai pun 8%, tapi alhamdullilah Allah bagi sedikit ruang pada aku untuk bernafas dengan lebih selesa dengan sedikit kenaikan gaji ini. Eh company nie pun berkempen jugak ke? Dan agak-agaknya lah siapa yang bermurah hati memberi sumbangan untuk pilihanraya bagi parti cap bulan dan cap roket mahupun cap separuh bulan.

Kadang-kadang terfikir juga, kita memang memerlukan kemajuan, perubahan tapi adakah perubahan itu akan memajukan kita lagi atau membuat kita jauh ketinggalan kebelakang. Adakah kemajuan yang kita capai setakat 5 tahun ini cukup untuk kita menilainya. Perlukah di sambung semula kontraknya atau kita beri sahaja peluang kepada yang berani bersuara tapi tidak pernah diberi peluang yang sama?

Pilihanraya kali ini akan terasa sepinya. Jika 4 tahun dulu seawal pagi lagi aku dapat dengar suara abah riuh rendah mengejutkan aku untuk pergi mengundi. Katanya kalau pergi lambat, nanti ramai orang, panas, beratur panjang. Arwah Abah setiap kali pilihanraya akan keluar awal pagi dan dia juga adalah antara pengundi yang paling awal akan sampai ke tempat pengundian. Itulah disiplin yang diterapkan kepada aku semenjak aku layak mengundi 10 tahun yang lalu. Dan apabila aku tanya kepada abah siapa yang dipangkahnya, dengan cepat dia mengatakan,

“Hish, mana boleh beritahu, UNDI ITU RAHSIA

Dalam hati aku terfikir rahsia sangat ke sampai dengan anak sendiri pun tak boleh beritahu. Dan setiap kali lepas aku mengundi arwah abah akan tanya,

“Kak Terompah, kamu pangkah parti mana?’

Dan inilah jawapan saya “Kak Terompah pangkah parti ………….dot dot dot”. Mana boleh kasitahu undi kan rahsia. Tapi aku tahu arwah pangkah parti mana. Dari riak muka, tutur kata aku dah tahu.

Dan pilihanraya kali ini adalah kali ke-3 aku akan turun mengundi. Tahun nie agak-agaknya sapa yang aku nak pangkah? Tapi sapa pulak yang bertanding? Jika muka-muka lama yang bertanding…eeerrmm susah juga membuat keputusan sebab dua-dua pun aku kenal, sorang panggil emak aku makcik sorang lagi panggil mak aku Emak (hish, bukan adik beradik aku masuk bertanding tapi anak angkat mak aku). Sukar juga untuk memilih, yang biru kah atau yang hijau kah? Yang timbang menimbang atau yang terang menerangi malam….

Tapi untuk kali ini aku memang tidak akan baca surat khabar atau mendengar berita. Aku berjanji pada diri sendiri pada pilihanraya kali ini, setiap ceramah politik yang ada, baik kerajaan atau pembangkang aku dan suami akan pergi. Kami mahu dengar, tengok dan buat pertimbangan sendiri. Aku tidak memerlukan surat khabar atau tv untuk mendengar apa yang patut aku dengar, janji yang ditaburkan, kenyataan yang cuba diputar belitkan atau tohmahan yang dilemparkan. Biar kall ini telinga aku jadi naik pekak dengar jerit pekik calon pun tak apa. Biar aku kena menapak jauh pun aku sanggup. Aku mahukan keadilan dan kesaksamaan. Dan itulah yang sebaik-baiknya.

Jadi buat bakal-bakal pengundi nun jauh di luar sana. Cubit peha kanan, mestilah peha kanan itu yang terasa sakitnya jangan nak tipu kata peha kiri pun sakit. Bidaah semua tu (hish, tak akan peha aku pulak). Bijaklah dalam membuat undian anda. Yang pasti undi itu bukan lagi rahsia.

Pesanan dari seorang Ulama kepada kakak aku bila diajukan soalan, siapakah yang kita patut pilih, calon Melayu, calon India atau calon Cina. Jawab Ulama itu tadi, “Pilihlah mereka yang kurang memberi dan mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada Islam, itulah yang sebaiknya” .

Tepuk dada tanyalah selera. Selamat Mengundi.


My youngest sister M has safely delivered her 4 months old baby. She’s doing fine and now resting at home. I was told that it’s a boy and not a girl as stated in my previous write up. She will have to go for at least 40 days confinement. Its heart breaking news but she will cope. My mum said the baby is so small, it has got small little fingers, toes, eyes, ears and of course a very small birdie. She buried her baby in the garden at the back of her house.

On the other hand, I will like to announce the launching of Xtreme Team’s new blog at Do drop by and give a bit of your moral support to our team (I am one of the committee member, still). If you are interested to know more about our future activities, please do not hesitate to contact Shaz or Tiger or you can visit the website. Lend a helping hand by spreading the news to all of your blog readers. The least you could do and for your sweet gestures, we thank you from the bottom of our heart.

I am finally, finally decided to terminate the contract of our cook. He has not shown any improvement and the sales has dropped drastically for the last 4 months. He always late to work and he have the habit of conducting his club meetings during his 5 hours of working. And the good news is, I have found his replacement and I will not be an easygoing boss anymore. It’s over, period.

Even though last week was a very rough week for me, today I have received a letter of a new salary scales, the Management has decided to revise our salary and paid our January’s arrears this month. I thanked God for the extra money and the bonus that I have received. I now have extra cash to work around with.

The Government has decided to resolve the parliament and our next general election is just around the corner. All political parties are now busy preparing for the coming election. Posters are up in most of the places even before the announcement was made. Some of the parties has prepared beforehand and some still struggling. My request list to all political parties:

1. Built a new home for my mother in law + new furniture’s + fittings.
2. Reduce the prices of petrol up to RM1.20
3. Reduce the prices of sugar, flour, cooking oil, eggs, rice, condensed milk, chicken meat, dairy products, etc, etc
4. Reduce the toll prices or no toll at all
5. More dividend for our KWSP fund
6. Stop corruption, no more under table money
7. Give more space to the opponent. Let them have it, the freedom of speech.
8. No more unnecessary payment for school children. I have none but my poor brother has got 6.
9. A better road signage. We have a really POOR SIGNAGE SYSTEM
10. No more handbag snatchers, rapist, molester
11. Get MAS to reduce the flight ticket
12. Free or cheaper private hospital charges
13. Get our government hospitals to improved the quality of their services
14. Get rid of Mr Sam** V****
15. Get rid of the ever perasan Kh**ry Jam****din
16. Get Datin Sri Ro***h to put less make up on her face and get a new haircut.

My! I am not able to list all but if

FIRE! FIRE! GO AWAY ...........

Monday, February 11, 2008


While I was in Penang my youngest sister M called me up. She sounds so happy announcing,

“Kak Terompah, it’s a girl. I saw it with my own eyes, she turned her face to me and spread her legs and it’s a girl”

I can still remember her happy voice in my head. She kept on telling me that the baby had her face turn to the screen and look at her. She was so confident that it will be a girl this time. In fact she was praying for a girl. She had 3 boys and 2 girls previously.

But, that was a week ago, yesterday she has to hear different news.

Few days prior to the incident she told me that she went to see the doctor because she was bleeding. She was 4 months pregnant and the baby has already formed. That is when the doctor did the scan and confirmed that the baby is ok and not to worry. She was told to rest.

But she is one energetic lady. I don’t think she rest as advised by the doctor. She came back to Kuantan for CNY holidays and at the same time carrying her 4 years old son which I think by now should weight around 20kg.

Since the bleeding didn’t stop, we took her to Kuantan Specialist. The doctor did a scan and it is confirmed that there is no more heartbeat. The pitter patter of little feet did not survived to see the face of her beautiful mummy. I know how she felt as I myself have experiencing the same thing, the same loneliness, and sadness of losing a baby.

Today, she will undergo a normal delivery. She is still waiting for the labour pain to come. She was advised not to go for D&C procedures since the baby has formed and was told to go for a normal labour. She will have to deliver the baby but yet not able to see her growing, not able to hold her, to hug her and to kiss her little feet.

My word of comfort to my sister as I kept on repeating saying it to myself 21/2 years ago. She is our guardian angel and she will surely be there waiting for us. She is after all in the care of her Creator. She is now in God's Heaven.


4 January 2008 5.45 pm, On the Bed – Kuantan

It was a very tiring day for me. After the funeral, we got back home; I took a quick shower and off to bed. I only slept for 3 hours the night before.

A felt someone next to me, shook my shoulder lightly, called my name, whispering to my ears.

“Yang, mum’s house is on fire”

I was half awake, I wanted to sleep, please go away, do not disturb me. I need my sleep. I opened my eyes; saw my husband sitting next to me. Repeating the same word, mum’s house is on fire.

Then it come to my senses, WHAT? Mum’s house is on fire? Why he looked so relaxed and calm. Which house? Who’s mum? His face changed. Oh my god, oh no! It’s my mother in law’s house in Butterworth. Oh God! What happen to her, to them? I said a silent prayers hoping that they are safe. My mother in law is old, she couldn’t walk fast, did she managed to run for safety, how about the kids?

I jumped out of bed, hold my husband hands and told him to calm down. He looked like he was about to cry. I asked him whether his mum managed to run for safety, he nod, I asked him whether the kids are at home during the incident he shook his head. Ok fine, meaning that everyone’s safe. And when I asked him about the house, he turn his face away and said everything’s gone. They didn’t manage to take anything out from the house. They only managed to take his mum to safety.

The house was built years before my husband was born. But they moved to the house 32 years ago, after my mother in law gave birth to my husband. It is where all their 10 children grew up and a place they called HOME. And now all was left was just ashes, dust, debris, and old memories.

My husband called his brother and managed to speak to his mum. She was crying when she speak to my husband. It was devastated for both of them, for all of us. She said she lost everything, she couldn’t take anything out, and she only managed to safe few hundreds and her tasbih. She was in her telekung when they took her out of the house. She was about to perform her Asar prayer when the incident happen.

We decided to go back to Butterworth that instant. Since my mum will be left all alone we decided to send her to Ampang. She herself is not well and I don’t want to leave her alone.

It was another tiring journey. With both of us didn’t get enough rest, my husband drove all the way up north. We stopped by at R&R Tapah because he was so tired of driving and I was too sleepy to drive. Both of us fall asleep and he woke up at 6.30 to perform Subuh prayer. From there we continue our journey. I was wide awake when we reached Taiping and decided to take over the wheel.
We reached his house at 10 am. Everyone was there, all except for his estranged brother (another long story). We parked our car outside and walk to the house. It was a heartbreaking scene. The whole house was destroyed during the fire. The fire started from a neighbor’s house which later spread to my mother in law’s house. The cause of the fire was due to an old electrical wiring.

It was a double story old traditional kampung house. They used timber on the top and they extended the lower floor with bricks. With wide carving windows, the old green plastic panel that was so famous in the early 60’s, the carving wood panel which resemble the old Malay Palace. The house was so beautifully done. Not a single nail was used when they build the house. Even though the house was not big, but it was special in its very own way.

His mum cried when she saw me. I hug her and try to calm her. We are thankful to God that everyone is safe. The next 4 days was very tiring day for all of us. The boys work non stop to clear all the flotsam and jetsam from the remaining of the house. The Municipal council came to clear all the debris.

Help came in all sorts of forms and from all political parties (eh pilihanraya kan dah dekat). We received dozens of rice, sugar, milk. Bundles of brand new and recycle clothes and of course some cash to get them started back on their two feet again.

I managed to save some really, really old photos of his late father, his late brother and some of their family members. To me personally, photos are really precious because it is a reminder of the old generations and as a memento of the deceased. I managed to save photos of my husband during his growing up years. There’s one photo that I really like, with him and his brothers. I could see his blonde hair and big wide smile. He was about 5 when they took the picture.

After 4 tiring days, it is time for us to go back to Kuantan. We don’t want to get caught in the traffic.

It was a teary goodbye. There’s no more HOME and only God knows how long will it take for them to rebuild the new home. Within seconds they are homeless.


Last Sunday, 3rd of February 2008 was a day that they will remember for the rest of their lives. The passing of a beloved husband, a wonderful father and a great grandfather. He was due to celebrate his 67th birthday today, February 11th.

He was my sister’s father in law. He was ill and bedridden for the last 21/2 years. And God has decided to end his 21/2 years misery. At 7.30 pm while everyone is busy to get ready for Maghrib prayers he succumbed to death. I was watching the TV when I received the frantic phone call from my sister.

It was just the night before that we performed a Solat Hajat & recite yassin for him. He was well and smiling from ear to ear. I remembered holding and stroking his hands. But he looked different, he refused to eat and drink only milk. He kept on staring at the walls and shook his head. Since he felt sick, at least once a week I will find time to visit him. Each time when I visit him, I will sit next to him and talk to him. I have lost my father about 21/2 years ago and each time when I see him, it will remind me of my own dad. How I spent the last moment of my dad’s life sitting next to him.

When I reached the house, he has already gone. He looked peaceful and as if he is sleeping. I was asked by my sister to fetch her son who is studying at the boarding school. I have to break the terrible news to him. My nephew cried when I told him about the passing of Aki.

It was such a long night. They decided to bury him the next day. I decided to spend the night there to help them out preparing for the funeral. It was a very tiring night. We slept for few hours and take turns reading the Quran.

Aki or Pakcik Nan was buried on Monday. I bid my farewell to him and may his soul rest in peace, Insyaallah. Al Fatihah.

Friday, February 1, 2008


On the night of February 1st, 1976 exactly 32 years ago, a young mother was struggling between life and death, while the anxious and eager husband waited outside the room, sweating, praying hoping that his beloved wife will survive the pain and will not give up easily. After all, this was not her first time.

At 9.30 pm, praised to God, they welcomed their 10th child into this world. A fine-looking, debonair little prince with piercing grey eyes, blonde hair and he was named My Husband.

Over the years, he has grown up and became what he is today. He is no longer unwaged, but still rounder than he used to be.

Today, he is celebrating his 32nd birthday. He is happier now compared to 21/2 years ago when he was jobless. More matured than before and I know he still much in love with me since the day we met 4 years ago.

Happy Birthday to the man who never failed to amuse me with his funny stories, his unpredictable characters and moods, his wacky ideas, and how he can change a murky room into a dazzling room filled with colorful balloons, confetti and animal puppets.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


For the second time this month, Cik Terompah is down with flu, a really bad coughing and was down with fever for the last two days. Too much of Chinese New Year oranges. Only today I had the change and the energy to log in and update my Cik Terompah World.

Over the years I have been trying very hard to shed the overload fats out of my body. And as a result, I put on more weight and became down in the dumps.

Earlier this year, I fall sick. My blood pressure shoots up like a rocking star while the sugar level in body increased vividly. I was panic and I knew something needs to be done. I will not be able to conceive with this kind of health conditions.

So, I stopped taking rice, I stopped eating unhealthy food. I only eat a bit of this and that and lots of greens but stringently no rice. I take oat, oat, oat and more oats. I took only 2 slices of whole wheat bread for each meal. I cut on my sugar level by drinking plain water and drink Khal (juice buah tamar which taste worst than vinegar). I watch my diet carefully.

I hope I would be able to see the result in 8 months time as I planned to go on STRICTLY NO RICE for the next 7 months. As at to date, for the last 29 days, I have SURVIVED without RICE and still counting.

Now, I felt better and lighter. You will not be able to see the drastic changes just yet, but …. once, once I have the right figure and to-die-for-shape I shall let the whole wide world to see the new me. So keep on reading.

Highly recommended by Cik Terompah :
KHAL or Juice Buah Tamar (dates) is good to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. It helps to maintain the blood pressure level and the sugar level. For those of you, who are interested to try this worst-than-vinegar-taste-like KHAL, please email me at It may not taste good, but it is good for health.

Monday, January 28, 2008



Peristiwa ini berlaku kira-kira 8 bulan yang lalu, bermula dengan anak saudara aku dan kemudiannya barulah terbongkar segala kisah hitam dalam keluarga kami, keluarga Cik Terompah.

Pada awalnya aku tak percaya pada black magic, ilmu hitam. Aku dibesarkan di dalam zaman sains & teknologi. Cerita black magic ni hanyalah ada dalam TV atau di kampung-kampung masa zaman dulu, sekarang dah tak ada lagi.

Tapi, bila ilmu hitam ini terkena batang hidung sendiri barulah aku sedar yang benda-benda ni semua wujud. Dan sepanjang tempoh aku ‘sakit’ macam-macam yang aku sendiri alami.

Jadi bila Terompah berbunyi….inilah ceritanya.

Masa di Kuantan orang gaji aku terjumpa seekor ular di belakang rumah. Waktu tu maghrib, aku suruh dia pukul ular tu sampai betul-betul mati. Jadi maid aku pun apa lagi, dia ketuk ler ular tu sampai mati.

Selang seminggu, ular yang seakan-akan sama yang dibunuh oleh maid aku ada di depan pintu rumah. Masa tu lepas isyak aku nak keluar ke kedai tengok budak-budak kerja. Nasib baik aku perasan ada ular di tepi pintu. Aku jerit lah panggil maid aku suruh bunuh ular tu. Tapi tak sempat nak capai kayu ular tu dah lari. Maid tu ada cakap kat aku “Ular tu tunggu akak kot”. Masa tu aku rasa nak lempang aje muka dia.

Aku pun keluarlah dengan confidentnya. Tapi dalam hati still cuak juga. Sebab aku geli dan takut ngan ular. Malam tu aku balik lebih kurang pukul 10.30 malam. Sebelum keluar keta aku intai-intai juga takut-takut ada ular tu lagi. Nak dijadikan cerita ular yang sama duduk di tempat yang sama. Aku nie menjerit-jeritlah panggil maid aku. Tapi kali nie kayu ada tapi dial ah pulak takut nak bunuh. Dia kata kalau cuba bunuh tapi ular tu tak mati, nanti ular tu datang carik dia. Jadi kami biarkan aje ular tu. Aku sempat pesan kat suami aku bila balik nanti tengok-tengok sikit.

Aku terus sms mak aku yang kebetulan tu sedang berholiday-holiday di Bandung. Kakak aku pesan jangan bunuh, kalau lepas 3 hari ada lagi baru bunuh ular tu. Kakak aku cakap buat tak tahu aje kalau nampak. Aku pun buat ler tak tahu. Subuh tu maid aku cakap ular tu ada lagi kat tepi pintu.

Masa tu aku di KL bercuti-cuti Malaysia. Petang tu aku ke rumah kakak aku di Subang. Masa tu dah 2 orang anak buah aku yang diaorang discover ‘terkena’. Kebetulan petang tu aku demam. Kakak aku tengok aku lain macam. Kakak aku nie ada lah juga berguru dengan Datuk Dr Fatma tentang ilmu hitam nie. Jadi petang tu dia suruh aku minum air yang sudah dibaca ayat syifa dan yassin. Aku seperti biasalah minum dengan selambanya. Tak sampai setengah jam aku terus muntah-muntah. Kakak aku dah suspect ada benda yang tak kena. Dia suruh aku baring sambil dia letakkan ibu jari kanan ke pusat aku. Sambil tu dia baca ayat syifa. Mula-mula tu ok tapi tak sampai setengah buku dia baca, aku terasa perut panas bagai nak gila. Macam orang letak api kat perut. Kakak aku tiba-tiba tarik tangan dia dari perut aku. Bila aku tanya kenapa dia kata perut aku panas dan tangan dia sakit. Aku dah sedikit cuak tapi maintain cool.

Kakak aku tak puas hati, dicubanya sekali lagi tapi kali nie dia pegang ibu jari kaki aku pulak. Aku dapat rasa ada benda gerak-gerak di kaki. Kakak aku pun rasa juga ada benda gerak-gerak. Terus kakak aku tepon Imam Besar Masjid Negeri Shah Alam, Ustaz Othman. Malam tu aku ditemani dengan ahli keluarga yang lain pergilah ke rumah Ustaz Othman.

Aku disuruh baring sambil pejam mata. Lepas tu dia mulakan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat suci AlQuran. Tak sampai 15 minit aku terus jadi orang lain. Aku sedar apa orang sekeliling cakap tapi aku pelik kenapa aku tak boleh balas apa yang diaorang lain cakap. Ada orang lain yang bercakap bagi pihak aku. Aku dengar suara emak, kakak aku bertanyakan soalan kepada benda yang duduk di dalam badan aku. Lama jugalah. Pukul 12 malam baru aku tersedar semula. Masa tu kepala pening, mata berpinar-pinar. Ustaz suruh aku banyakkan membaca al-quran dan berzikir. Dia kata benda yang di dalam badan tak keluar lagi dan memakan masa untuk keluar.

Esoknya aku balik ke Kuantan. Aku still ok, masih boleh berkerja cuma tido malam sering terganggu. Pukul 3 pagi mesti aku bangun. Mimpi pun asyik mimpi yang bukan-bukan. Aku jadi pemarah. Suamilah tempat aku melepaskan kemarahan. Alhamdullillah, dia mampu bersabar dengan aku.

Selang dua minggu aku ke KL semula untuk berjumpa dengan Ustaz Othman. Malam tu belum start Ustaz bacakan ayat-ayat Quran kat aku, aku dah jadi tak sedar semula. Adik aku menanggis-nangis di sebelah aku. Malam tu lama jugalah aku berubat. Punyalah degil benda tu tak mau keluar dari badan aku.

Keesokkannya aku sepatutnya balik ke Kuantan. Petang tu sebelum balik aku berjumpa dengan adik aku dulu. Dia tengok aku lain macam aje tapi dia tak lah melarang kitaorang dari balik ke Kuantan. Kami sampai di Lancang, adik aku tepon suami aku suruh patah balik ke KL. Konon-kononnya tertinggal barang tapi sebenarnya adik dan kakak aku tak sedap hati nak kasi kami balik. Kakak aku nak aku sambung berubat dengan Ustaz Othman. Malam tu kami ke rumah Ustaz Othman. Puas jugalah nak suruh aku keluar kereta sebab aku tak mau keluar kereta. Aku jadik takut tengok muka Ustaz.

Dari malam itu bermula episode-episod hitam dalam sejarah hitam Cik Terompah. Aku tidak mau menunding jari menyalahkan atau menuduh sesiapa yang mengenakan ilmu hitam ini pada kami. Sebenarnya ianya ditujukan buat arwah ayah aku tapi terkena kepada kami adik beradik. Tapi yang teruknya adalah aku dan anak buah aku. Mungkin kami lemah.

Semenjak dari itu, aku tak boleh bekerja, tidak boleh keluar. Jika sebelum-sebelum ini aku akan tak sedarkan diri bila berjumpa dengan Ustaz tapi sekarang aku boleh tak sedarkan diri pada bila-bila masa, pagi, petang, malam. Aku cakap pun jadi merepek, kalau aku marah kat suami aku habis semua ayat keluar. Aku memang mengamuk sakan jadinya. Penat tak payahlah nak cakap. Penat giler, habis biru-biru tangan aku nie, telinga jadi berair-air, jari-jari semua sakit. Malam tak boleh nak tido, suami aku kena tunggu aku betul-betul dah tido baru dia akan tido.

Pukul 3 pagi, 4 pagi, 5 pagi aku kena bangun mandi air limau, air cuka, air garam, air dari 7 kolah masjid. Aku sering termimpi-mimpi benda-benda yang menakutkan. Ular hitam datang kejarlah dan benda merepek.

Aku berubat dengan perubatan mengikut Islam. Berubat dengan Ustaz menggunakan ayat-ayat al Quran. Aku sempatlah berubat dengan Ustaz Harun Din, Ustaz Ismail Kamus, Ustaz Kamal Shaari, Ustaz Othman, Ustaz Mokhtar Stork, Ustaz dari Palestin, Ustaz Hanif di Kedah, Ustaz Zul dari Jengka, Tok Ayah, Pak Long, Ustaz Hadi, Ustaz Nazarudin dan adalah lagi 2, 3 orang Ustaz. Banyak jugalah yang terpaksa di korban sepanjang aku sakit tu. Selama 2 bulan aku tidak bekerja. Kerja ada 2 hari, hari ke tiga sakit semula. Masa aku tak sedar aku tak boleh tengok muka suami aku, masa aku tak sedar mak aku sendiri aku marah. Setiap kali aku mandi mesti ada lipan yang keluar.

Ada juga adik serta suami aku yang merakamkan video apa yang jadi kat aku masa aku sakit. Tapi sampai ke hari nie, aku tak mau tengok video tu. Phobia rasanya. Jika dulu aku nak ke toilet pun mesti berteman, tak boleh tinggal sensorang. Tapi sekarang, alhamdullillah, keadaan makin bertambah baik. Mungkin belum 100% baik tapi aku bertambah sihat berbanding dulu. Mimpi-mimpi pelik pun dah tak ada tapi aku masih belum berani seperti dulu. Masih ada juga waktu-waktu yang aku terasa seperti ada yang memerhati tapi aku sentiasa berzikir. Yang lebih berkuasa adalah Allah SWT, dan hanya DIA lah yang aku patut takut.

Banyak benda yang berlaku yang aku tak mau get into details. Bukan apa ia nanti seperti memanggil-manggilnya semula. Jika ‘benda’ itu masih ada, jika ia tidak memudaratkan aku, biarlah Allah saja mengawalnya.

Masa aku sakit, semasa dalam keadaan tidak sedar itu beratus kali aku menyebut nama-nama keluarga rapat yang kami kenali yang pernah ada rasa tidak puas hati kepada arwah ayahku, tapi biarlah Allah sahaja yang membalas atas apa yang dilakukan kepada keluarga kami. Aku tidak mengiyakan atau menidakkan tapi aku tidak mahu menaruh syak wasangka kepada sesiapa. Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk dan membimbing mereka, membawa mereka kembali ke jalan yang benar.

Dan buat yang membaca, jauhkanlah dari perbuatan menyekutukan Allah. Sesungguhnya pengamal ilmu hitam ini adalah Syirik dan merupakan dosa besar dan neraka jahanamlah tempat bagi golongan yang menyekutukan Allah SWT ini. Ayat Al Quran mempunyai mukjizatnya yang tersendiri. Semua rahsia alam ini di dalamnya. Amalkan membawa Al Quran agar hidup kita sentiasa di dalam lindunganNYA, Insyallah.

P/S: This IS my long winding story. That is why I am not able to update my old blog Craving4more since May 2007 and by the time I am back on my two feet again, I have lost the user ID and password.